Little Boy Walks Out A Restaurant With A Cup And Now He Thinks He ‘s Going To Jail

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Added on 2013.03.31

This baby stole a cup by accident and he is scared to death coz he thinks cops will take him to jail.

Hilarious lol

Kid takes cup from restaurant

Boy takes cup from restaurant

Little boy takes cup from restaurant

Moviea young boy takes the challenge on going down a river with his grandfathers cassets

Kid takes cup from restaurant video
  • little kid takes cup
  • kid takes cup from restuarant
  • kid takes restaurant cup
Kid walks out with cup

Funny cute kid goes to jail

Boy walks out with cup

Boy thinks he stole cup

Boy thinks go to jail for taking cup

Boy takes restaurant cup

Boy takes cup from resturant
  • video of luttle boy accidentally stole cup
  • boy take cup from restaurant
  • boy stole cup accident
Boy afraid hes going to jail

Baby stole restaurant cup

Kid takes cup from restaurant

Boy takes cup from restaurant

Little boy takes cup from restaurant

Moviea young boy takes the challenge on going down a river with his grandfathers cassets

Kid takes cup from restaurant video
  • little kid takes cup
  • kid takes cup from restuarant
  • kid takes restaurant cup
Kid walks out with cup

Funny cute kid goes to jail

Boy walks out with cup

Boy thinks he stole cup

Boy thinks go to jail for taking cup

Boy takes restaurant cup

Boy takes cup from resturant
  • video of luttle boy accidentally stole cup
  • boy take cup from restaurant
  • boy stole cup accident
Boy afraid hes going to jail

Baby stole restaurant cup