A cat eating with chopsticks

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Added on 2013.03.16

To avoid being bitten and pounced on during kitty training, we have been using chopsticks and toothpicks to feed the kittens their treat.

Cat playing chopsticks with chopsticks

Cat eating from chopsticks

Cat eating with chopsticks


Cat being fed with chopsticks
  • kitten eating with chopsticks
  • cat using chopsticks
  • where was cat eating from chopsticks
Don\t pet this kitty part 3 video

Cat with chopsticks

Feeding cat chopsticks

Eating with chopsticks

Art cat eating with chopsticks

Cat plays chop sticks

Cat chopsticks
  • cat chopsticks with chopsticks
  • cat eatjng from chopsticks
  • cat eating with sticks
Cat eating video

Cat eat with chopstick

Cat playing chopsticks with chopsticks

Cat eating from chopsticks

Cat eating with chopsticks


Cat being fed with chopsticks
  • kitten eating with chopsticks
  • cat using chopsticks
  • where was cat eating from chopsticks
Don\t pet this kitty part 3 video

Cat with chopsticks

Feeding cat chopsticks

Eating with chopsticks

Art cat eating with chopsticks

Cat plays chop sticks

Cat chopsticks
  • cat chopsticks with chopsticks
  • cat eatjng from chopsticks
  • cat eating with sticks
Cat eating video

Cat eat with chopstick