This cat is washing the dishes for you

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Added on 2013.01.20

Don’t wanna wash the dishes ?
No problem ! This cat names Mango will do it for you 😉

Cat washing dishes! Wooow!

Jehovah name

Cat washes dishes video

Cat washing dishes

Cat mimics washing dishes moving paws in the air
  • pic of cats washing dishes
  • lolcat cleaning dishes
  • lol cats dish washing
Dog does dishes

Dish washing cat

Cats doing dishes

Cat washing dishes video

Cat washes dishes

Scottish fold doing doggie tricks

Cat washing dishes! Wooow!

Jehovah name

Cat washes dishes video

Cat washing dishes

Cat mimics washing dishes moving paws in the air
  • pic of cats washing dishes
  • lolcat cleaning dishes
  • lol cats dish washing
Dog does dishes

Dish washing cat

Cats doing dishes

Cat washing dishes video

Cat washes dishes

Scottish fold doing doggie tricks